Campinas assesses inclusion of people with disabilities in DRR

The city of Campinas, MCR2030's Resilience Hub in Brazil, finalised the completion of the Scorecard´s Addendum for the Inclusion of Persons with Disability (self-assessment tool at local level) on 13 November 2023, during a workshop promoted by the Civil Defense, the Campinas Disaster Resilience Centre (CRDC) and Unicamp's Disaster Studies and Research Centre (Ceped), in the Resilience Room of the City Hall.
Lucilaina Teles de Paula, Civil Defence Officer in charge of the workshop, affirms that the self-assessment was well received: “There was approval from the managers who had the opportunity to reflect carefully on the actions of their departments, as well as learning about the policies developed by other departments and how to integrate them."
The work was carried out in phases, including a presentation of the tool, a survey of all the actions carried out in the field of inclusion of people with disabilities and a self-assessment by each responsible entity. The next stage of the process will be to enter the data into MCR2030´s platform for external validation. It will be possible to visualise, by means of a graph, how the municipality is doing with regard to the policy for people with disabilities in disaster situations.
Representatives from the Department of Social Assistance, People with Disabilities and Human Rights; the Campinas Resilient City Committee; the Department of Green, Environment and Sustainable Development; the Campinas Development Company (Emdec); the Department of Health; and the Fire Brigade took part.
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