Inter-Regional Dialogue 2024: CJK Education and Training Institutes Workshop “Tools and Technologies for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region”

- English
Event Date & Venue
Date: 27-29 May 2024
Venue: UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute (GETI). Incheon, Republic of Korea
- UNDRR Office for Northeast Asia (ONEA) and Global Education and Training Institute (GETI)
- Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS)
Course Background
Since 2017, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea have actively engaged in trilateral cooperation on capacity building for disaster management and disaster risk reduction through the designated international and regional Education and Training Institutes on Disaster Management based in the three countries, namely the National Disaster Reduction Center of China (NDRCC), the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), and the Global Education and Training Institute (GETI). In 2022, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea adopted the Joint Statement of the 7th Trilateral Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management (TMMDM) in 2022, which gave full play to the three designated education and training institutions to carry out the trilateral cooperation on training for capacity building on disaster management and risk reduction. In line with this commitment, TCS and UNDRR organized the CJK Education and Training Institutes Online Workshop on “Tools and Technologies for Earthquake Risk Management: Sharing Experience from Northeast Asia” on 2 August 2023, and published a Trilateral Best Practices Report compiling the case studies shared at the workshop.
To continue strengthening cooperation on capacity building for disaster risk reduction among the three countries and beyond, TCS and UNDRR will host another joint event in 2024. In line with the decision of the three CJK countries outlined in the 2019 Trilateral Cooperation Vision for the Next Decade to advance the “Trilateral+X” cooperation, including on DRR education and awareness, the event will be extended to countries from ASEAN, as well as South Asia and Central Asia.
Recognizing the state-of-the art technologies and best practices available in CJK countries in the area of multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning, and acknowledging the capacity building needs globally and in the Asia Pacific region for further development and strengthening of people-centered, risk-informed early warning systems, this year’s joint event will focus on the topic of “Tools and Technologies for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region”.
The 2023 Report of the Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting on the Midterm Review, adopted by the UN General Assembly in May 2023, highlighted the current gaps in coverage and accessibility to multi-hazard warning systems globally. The Political Declaration recognized the need to further develop, invest in and strengthen people-centered multi-hazard early warning systems in all countries, including through enhanced quality of and access to multi-hazard risk data. In 2022, the UN Secretary-General launched the Early Warnings for All initiative, aimed to ensure universal coverage of early warning systems by 2027. As governments and global stakeholders are joining efforts to support these global commitments, the experience from countries in Northeast Asia and ASEAN can provide valuable insights and reference to support further development of multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning systems in the Asia Pacific region more broadly.
The TCS-UNDRR event will be comprised of an Inter-Regional Dialogue 2024: CJK Education and Training Institutes Workshop “Tools and Technologies for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region”; a 1.5-day training workshop hosted by the UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute; and a half-day field visit organized in partnership with Incheon Metropolitan City to share its best practices in disaster risk reduction and early warning.
The three-day event will showcase advanced technologies and measures in place in countries in the region, and will contribute to promoting policy dialogue and information sharing on best practices, scientific advances and technologies focusing in particular on multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning systems. The discussions will also support the trilateral cooperation commitments on capacity building, and demonstrate the importance of cross-regional exchange and cooperation in the area of disaster risk reduction.
Course Objective
This event aims to:
- Increase the understanding of existing tools and technologies and effective practices for risk reduction among disaster-prone countries, in relation to multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning systems, as well as community-level capacity development and infrastructure resilience measures.
- Share the experience and best practices in multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning systems of Northeast Asia countries and Southeast, South and Central Asian countries.
- Promote collaboration for capacity development for disaster risk reduction between Northeast Asia and other countries in the Asia Pacific region.
Expected outcome:
- Participants learn about available tools and technologies for multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning.
- Opportunities for collaboration for capacity development on multi-hazard risk assessment early warning between Northeast Asia and other countries in the Asia Pacific region are discussed