Financing disaster risk reduction in humanitarian and crisis settings
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
The study report contributes to a continued call for more and better DRR financing in humanitarian and crisis contexts. Ensuring effective DRR financing in humanitarian and crisis settings should be of significant concern for all actors across the humanitarian-development-peace (HDP) nexus.
Some of the recommendations identified in the study to improve DRR reporting and tracking, and the integration of DRR considerations into action in humanitarian and crisis settings. include:
- Enhance tracking and publication of information about funding for DRR to improve donor targeting and the accuracy of funding levels required.
- Increase integration of DRR into sector and cluster priority actions in humanitarian and crisis settings. This requires closing the needs and capacity gaps.
- Generate greater financial commitments to DRR by prioritising engagement of donors whose policy priorities are amenable to enhancing DRR financing in humanitarian and crisis settings.
- Encourage funders to see innovations in DRR in humanitarian and crisis settings as an opportunity to spend a limited portfolio on innovations with high-impact potential.