Online tools and reference materials to advance the production of SDG and Sendai indicators related to disasters in LAC countries
This is a virtual space built on the progress made by the Working Group on the Measurement and Recording of Indicators Related to Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean (WG-DRR) of the CAA since its creation in 2017 onwards. One of the most common challenges among countries is the reliability of data and the systematization of each country's dataset from different sources and generated by different institutions. In this sense, this web portal aims to be a space of multi-sectoral interest, of actors involved in the process of monitoring and reporting indicators and stakeholders in the follow-up of the progress of the Sendai Framework agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals for Disaster Risk Reduction.
SCA ECLAC Working Group
The Working Group on the Measurement and Recording of Indicators Related to Disaster Risk Reduction (WG-DRRR) was created in November 2017 in the framework of the IX Meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA/ECLAC) in order to respond to the commitments made by the Member States of the United Nations with the adoption of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015- 2030 and the adoption in February 2017 of the report and recommendations of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology Related to Disaster Risk Reduction (OIEWG). 2030 and the adoption in February 2017 of the report and recommendations of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Indicators and Terminology Related to Disaster Risk Reduction (OIEWG) through UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/71/276. These indicators correspond directly to indicators of targets 1.5, 11.5, 11.b and 13.1 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
In this section you can download the products of the Working Group on the Measurement of Indicators related to Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Members of the Working Group on Measurement of Indicators

Overview of the Working Group's activities, by implementation period
Period 2018-2019
For the 2018-2019 period, the Working Group is responsible for initiating the work to understand and strengthen the role of statistics in measuring the 38 indicators and 7 goals of the Sendai Framework and the SDGs related to reducing the risk of disasters. As part of this task, the integration of data related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) within official statistics is sought, thus benefiting from rigor, solidity and quality, backed by the fundamental principles of National Statistical Offices.
As part of this objective, the group generates a "Theoretical Framework" that contributes to the conceptual and theoretical knowledge of statistics and disaster risk, in order to strengthen the understanding of the data for the use of the measurement of the indicators of the Framework from Sendai.

Theoretical Framework
This document is the product of collaborative work among the members of the Working Group on the Measurement and Recording of Indicators Related to Disaster Risk Reduction of the Statistical Conference of the Americas and was developed within the framework of its development of the workplan 2018-2019.
Period 2020-2021
The Working Group on the Measurement and Registration of Indicators Related to Disaster Risk Reduction (GT-DRR), has an important role in the integration and contribution of global efforts for the measurement, registration and reporting of indicators of the goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the SDG indicators related to disasters. integration and contribution of global efforts for the measurement, registration and reporting of indicators of the goals of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the SDG indicators related to disasters.
For the 2020-2021 period, the Working Group is responsible for preparing the document "Institutional and methodological recommendations for measuring SDG indicators related to disasters and the Sendai Framework for DRR". It constitutes a base and reference tool on recommendations and a general statistical methodological procedure for the generation of quality data for the measurement of the 38 indicators and 7 goals of the Sendai Framework and the SDGs related to Disaster Risk Reduction. This document is accompanied by a matrix of requirements that constitutes a preliminary tool to collect the information and data of importance for this purpose.
The material developed during this period has been possible thanks to the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperatio
Institutional and methodological recommendations for the measurement of indicators for the disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
This document outlines institutional and methodological recommendations proposes six methodological steps for measuring indicators for the disaster-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and defines a number of global, regional and national criteria and instruments. The document is accompanied by a Matrix of Requirements, a diagnostic mechanism to identify the gaps and needs in statistical processes that require greater clarification and support from the national statistical offices and stakeholders involved.

ANNEX: Matrix of Requirements - draft version
Diagnostic mechanism that helps identify the progress and needs in those statistical processes that require greater precision and support from the NSOs and the actors involved.
Period 2022-2023
In order to continue and innovate the advances of DRR and the improvement of data quality already proposed by the GT-DRR in previous periods, for the 2022-2023 biennium the group has the challenge of strengthening information management practices statistics related to Disaster Risk Reduction based on disaster-related SDG indicators and the Sendai Framework.
For this purpose, the group proposes the creation of "an online toolkit and reference materials to advance the production of SDG and Sendai indicators related to disasters in LAC countries."
This toolbox is not only a mechanism to have online access to materials, information and supplies for DRR, but it is constituted from the institutional and methodological recommendations and its Matrix of Requirements proposed by the GT-DRR for the year 2020-2021. Hence, the proposal highlights the importance of applying and giving sustainability to the proposed actions and joining new efforts in the process of reducing disaster risks in the region.

Online tools and reference materials to advance the production of SDG and Sendai indicators related to disasters in LAC countries
Presentation of the First Regular Meeting of the Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction held on May 12, 2022.

Initial considerations and progress report as of June 20, 2022
Online tools and reference materials to advance the production of SDG and Sendai indicators related to disasters in LAC countries.
Webinars and Events of the Technical Working Group for Statistics
First Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics
Pre-recorded presentations related to the “First Expert Forum for Producers and Users of Disaster-related Statistics”, held online on 7, 8 and 10 June 2021.
ECLAC methodology for the monetary estimation of damages and losses due to disasters
(goal C of the Sendai Framework)
Dates: 5-9 October 2020
Access to Webinar material:

Methodology to measure interruptions to basic services attributed to disasters (Sendai indicator D5)
Dominican Republic
Dates: 26th October 2020
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Presentations and documents: Development of tool, Global Initiative of Management, Abstract of work.

Statistical instruments for the use of DRR information in local governments
Date: 7th October 2021
Objective: Socialize the experiences of Ecuador regarding the use of information from local governments for use in the estimation of Sendai indicators.
Organized by INEC Ecuador within the framework of the LAC DRR Statistics Working Group.
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Statistical and geospatial information applied to Disaster Risk Management
Date: 29th July 2021
Good practices and experiences as a contribution to the Sendai Framework.
Organized by: DANE Colombia, UNDRR, ECLAC
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The classifier of events linked to disasters: Usefulness and challenges in its implementation
Date: 14th December 2021
The presentation was given by the INE of Chile, in which the experiences in the use of the event classifier were disclosed; utilities to standardize disaster risk metrics and analysis; and the challenges from the classifier, linked to emergencies, disasters and catastrophes.
Access to Webinar material:

Online Courses and Training
Introduction to the methodology for FAO damage and loss assessment
This course is part of a series that aims to introduce the FAO methodology on damage and loss, developed by FAO to help countries generate accurate and comprehensive data for the agricultural sector.
How to use the FAO methodology to calculate damages and losses
This course presents the formulas used to calculate damages and losses in the agricultural sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, aquaculture and fishing).

An orientation to using the online Sendai Framework Monitor
Learn to use the online Sendai Framework Monitor to report on global and national implementation progress of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.

Methodological references
and documents
The institutional and methodological proposal of the GT-DRR is based on a series of six steps that can contribute to the estimation of the 38 indicators of the Sendai Framework and the 11 SDG indicators related to disasters. This proposal is a contribution to efforts carried out at the global level by the Interinstitutional and Expert Group on Statistics Related to Disasters and to other global and regional initiatives related to disaster risk statistics.
The institutional recommendations show a series of relevant global, regional and national documents, tools and instruments, aimed at strengthening knowledge and statistical criteria for improving the quality and processing of useful data for the calculation and estimation of indicators. of the Sendai Framework.
Disaster risk managers and those responsible for collecting information for the estimation of Sendai Framework indicators are expected to find it useful.