Oficina Regional para Europa y Asia Central
En total, UNDRR abarca 55 países de Europa y Asia Central. Esta oficina presta apoyo a la elaboración de políticas y a la toma de acciones para lograr un futuro más resiliente. Ayudamos a los países a monitorear y a seguir de cerca los logros obtenidos en la implementación del Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres 2015-2030, apoyamos la elaboración de estrategias nacionales y locales para la RRD, fomentamos una mayor participación del sector privado y ofrecemos asesoría en materia de políticas, especialmente en torno a las finanzas sostenibles y la seguridad climática.
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These statistics show live data about municipalities in this region that have joined the Making Cities Resilient 2030 initiative. The villages, towns, and cities have made a commitment to move along the resilience roadmap to better protect their citizens.
UNDRR Europe
37 - 40 Boulevard du Régent
Brussels 1000, Belgium
Teléfono: +32 22 902 588
Fax: +32 22 904 950
Albania | General Directorate of Civil Emergencies, Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Albania__https://www.mod.gov.al/eng/ | Sendai FW (official) | +35542273191 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Andorra | Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior__http://www.protecciocivil.ad | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Armenia | Ministry of Emergency Situations (Armenia)__http://www.mes.am| Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia__| Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia__ | Sendai FW (official) | +34710 31 77 61 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Armenia | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Armenia | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia | NP (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Austria | Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics__http://www.zamg.ac.at/ | Sendai FW (official) | +43 1 36 0 26 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Azerbaijan | Ministry of Emergency Situation of the Republic of Azerbaijan__http://www.fhn.gov.az/| The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan__http://www.fhn.gov.az | Sendai FW (official) | (99412) 512 00 61 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Azerbaijan | The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Belarus | Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus__ | Sendai FW (official) | + 375 17 328 51 81 | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Belgium | Belgium - government | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Belgium | Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Cooperation__http://www.diplomatie.belgium.be| Belgium - government__http://www.premier.be/ | Sendai FW (official) | +32 (0)2 501 81 11 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ministry of Security__http://www.msb.gov.ba| Ministry of Security__http://www.msb.gov.ba| Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina__http://www.msb.gov.ba | Sendai FW (official) | +387 33213623 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Ministry of Security | NP (official) | +387 33213623 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Bulgaria | Ministry of Interior (Bulgaria)__http://www.mvr.bg| Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Ministry of Interior__https://www.mvr.bg/gdpbzn/ | NP (official) | +359 29825000 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Bulgaria | Chief Directorate Fire Safety and Civil Protection, Ministry of Interior | Sendai FW (official) | +359 2 98 21 252 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Croatia | National Protection and Rescue Directorate__http://www.duzs.hr/| National Protection and Rescue Directorate__http://www.duzs.hr/| Croatia - government__http://www.vlada.hr/en | Sendai FW (official) | +385 13650085 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Croatia | Croatia - government | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Croatia | National Protection and Rescue Directorate | NP (official) | +385 13650085 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Cyprus | Civil Defence (Cyprus)__ | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Czech Republic | Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic __http://www.mzp.cz/| Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic)__http://www.mzp.cz| Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic)__http://www.mzp.cz | Sendai FW (official) | +420 267 121 111 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Czech Republic | Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic) | Sendai FW (official) | +420 267121111 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Czech Republic | Ministry of the Environment (Czech Republic) | NP (official) | +420 267121111 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Denmark | Danish Emergency Management Agency__http://www.brs.dk | Sendai FW (official) | +45 459 06000 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Estonia | Ministry of Interior | NP (official) | (+372) 612 5008 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Estonia | Ministry of Interior of Estonia__https://www.siseministeerium.ee/en| Ministry of Interior__https://www.siseministeerium.ee/en | Sendai FW (official) | (+372) 612 5008 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Finland | Ministry of the Interior (Finland)__https://intermin.fi/en/frontpage | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
France | Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition | Sendai FW (official) | +33 1 40 81 21 22 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
France | Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition | Sendai FW (official) | +33 1 40 81 21 22 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
France | Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition__http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/| Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition__http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/| Ministry for Ecological and Solidarity Transition__http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/ | NP (official) | +33 1 40 81 21 22 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Georgia | National Crisis Management Center __https://es.gov.ge/ | Sendai FW (official) | +995 32 2 28 78 40 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Germany | Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance | Sendai FW (official) | +49 22855540 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Germany | Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance | NP (official) | +49 22855540 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Germany | Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance__http://www.bbk.bund.de/| Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance__http://www.bbk.bund.de/| Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance__http://www.bbk.bund.de/ | Sendai FW (official) | +49 22855540 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Greece | General Secretariat for Civil Protection of Greece__https://civilprotection.gov.gr/ | Sendai FW (official) | +302131510161 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Hungary | National Directorate General for Disaster Management__http://www.katasztrofavedelem.hu| National Directorate General for Disaster Management__http://www.katasztrofavedelem.hu | NP (official) | During working hours: +36 1 469-4152; | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Hungary | National Directorate General for Disaster Management | Sendai FW (official) | During working hours: +36 1 469-4152; | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Israel | Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs__http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/Pages/default.aspx| National Emergency Management Authority__ | Sendai FW (official) | 972-2-5303111 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Israel | National Emergency Management Authority | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Italy | Dipartimento della Protezione Civile__http://www.protezionecivile.it/| Italian Civil Protection Department__http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/| Italian Civil Protection Department__http://www.protezionecivile.gov.it/| Dipartimento della Protezione Civile__http://www.protezionecivile.it/ | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Italy | Italian Civil Protection Department | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Italy | Dipartimento della Protezione Civile | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Italy | Italian Civil Protection Department | NP (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Kazakhstan | Committee for emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs__http://www.emer.gov.kz | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Kyrgyzstan | Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic __http://www.mes.gov.kg | Sendai FW (official) | +996 312 547986 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Liechtenstein | Office for Foreign Affairs__https://www.llv.li/de/landesverwaltung/amt-fuer-auswaertige-angelegenheiten | Sendai FW (official) | 423 / 236 60 57 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Lithuania | Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania__https://vrm.lrv.lt/en/ | Sendai FW (official) | +370 5 271 7130 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Luxembourg | Ministry of Home Affairs | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Luxembourg | Ministry of Home Affairs | NP (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Luxembourg | Ministry of Interior__http://www.mi.public.lu/| Ministry of Home Affairs__| Ministry of Home Affairs__ | Sendai FW (official) | 352 2478 4600 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Moldova | State Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Moldova | Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources__http://www.mediu.gov.md| State Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment__http://www.meteo.md, http://www.madrm.gov.md | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Monaco | Ministry of Interior (Monaco) | Sendai FW (official) | (+377) 98 98 82 52 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Monaco | Ministry of Interior (Monaco)__http://en.gouv.mc/Government-Institutions/The-Government/Ministry-of-Interior/The-Minister-of-Interior| Ministry of Interior (Monaco)__http://en.gouv.mc/Government-Institutions/The-Government/Ministry-of-Interior/The-Minister-of-Interior | NP (official) | (+377) 98 98 82 52 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Montenegro | Ministry of Interior and Public Administration | Sendai FW (official) | +382 20241590 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Montenegro | Ministry of Interior - Directorate for Emergency Situations__http://www.mup.gov.me| Ministry of Interior - Directorate for Emergency Situations__| Ministry of Interior and Public Administration__http://www.mup.gov.me/en/ministry?alphabet=lat | NP (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Montenegro | Ministry of Interior - Directorate for Emergency Situations | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Netherlands, the | Ministry of Justice and Security | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Netherlands, the | Ministry of Security and Justice | NP (official) | + 31 70 751 5509 (secr.) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Netherlands, the | Ministry of Security and Justice__http://www.government.nl/ministries/venj/organisation| Ministry of Security and Justice__http://www.government.nl/ministries/venj/organisation| Ministry of Justice and Security__ | Sendai FW (official) | + 31 70 751 5509 (secr.) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
North Macedonia | Government of the Republic of Macedonia | NP (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
North Macedonia | Republic of North Macedonia - government__http://www.vlada.mk| Government of the Republic of Macedonia__http://vlada.mk/| Government of the Republic of Macedonia__http://vlada.mk/ | Sendai FW (official) | +389 23137784 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
North Macedonia | Government of the Republic of Macedonia | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Norway | Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Ministry of Justice and Public Security | NP (official) | +47 33412500 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Norway | Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Ministry of Justice and Public Security__http://www.dsb.no| Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning, Ministry of Justice and Public Security__http://www.dsb.no | Sendai FW (official) | +47 33412500 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Poland | Government Centre for Security__http://rcb.gov.pl/en| Government Centre for Security__http://rcb.gov.pl/en | NP (official) | ( 48 22) 236 59 00 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Poland | Government Centre for Security | Sendai FW (official) | ( 48 22) 236 59 00 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Portugal | Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection | NP (official) | +351 214247100 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Portugal | Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection__http://www.prociv.pt| Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection__http://www.prociv.pt| Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection__http://www.prociv.pt | Sendai FW (official) | +351 214247100 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Portugal | Portuguese National Authority for Civil Protection | Sendai FW (official) | +351 214247100 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Romania | General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations__| Romania - government__http://www.gov.ro/engleza/| General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations__http://www.igsu.ro/| Romania - government__http://www.gov.ro/engleza/ | Sendai FW (official) | +40 21 208 61 50 | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Romania | Romania - government | Sendai FW (official) | +40 213143400 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Romania | General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations | Sendai FW (official) | +40 21 208 61 50 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Romania | Romania - government | Sendai FW (official) | +40 213143400 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Russian Federation | EMERCOM of Russia (Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters)__https://en.mchs.ru/ | Sendai FW (official) | +7495 626- 35 82 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Serbia | Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia__http://prezentacije.mup.gov.rs/svs/pocetna.html| Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia__http://prezentacije.mup.gov.rs/svs/pocetna.html| International Cooperation Protection and Rescue Sector, Ministry of Interior__ | NP (official) | +381 11 2282 911 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Serbia | Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia | Sendai FW (official) | +381 11 2282 911 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Serbia | International Cooperation Protection and Rescue Sector, Ministry of Interior | Sendai FW (official) | COUNTRY PROFILE | ||
Slovakia | Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Slovakia | Ministry of Interior__| Ministry of Interior__| Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic__http://www.minv.sk | Sendai FW (official) | +421 9610 44559, +421 9610 44508 | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Slovakia | Ministry of Interior | Sendai FW (official) | +421 9610 44559, +421 9610 44508 | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Slovenia | Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, Ministry of Defence__http://www.sos112.si | Sendai FW (official) | +386 14713322 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Spain | Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias__https://www.proteccioncivil.es/ | Sendai FW (official) | +34 915373100 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Sweden | Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency | Sendai FW (official) | +46 (0)771 240 240 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Sweden | Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency__http://www.msb.se| Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency__http://www.msb.se | NP (official) | +46 (0)771 240 240 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Switzerland | Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT__http://www.planat.ch/en/home/| Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT__http://www.planat.ch/en/home/| Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT__http://www.planat.ch/en/home/ | Sendai FW (official) | +41 313241781 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Switzerland | Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT | Sendai FW (official) | +41 313241781 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Switzerland | Swiss National Platform for Natural Hazards, PLANAT | NP (official) | +41 313241781 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Tajikistan | Committee of Emergency situations and Civil defense under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan__http://www.khf.tj | Sendai FW (official) | +992 37 227-95-09 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Türkiye | Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency | NP (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Türkiye | Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency__http://www.afad.gov.tr| Ministry of Interior, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority__http://www.afad.gov.tr| Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency__http://www.afad.gov.tr| RT Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD)__https://www.afad.gov.tr/ | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Türkiye | Ministry of Interior, Disaster and Emergency Management Authority | Sendai FW (official) | +90 3122582323 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Türkiye | RT Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) | Sendai FW (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE | |
Ukraine | State Emergency Service of Ukraine | Sendai FW (official) | +38 (044) 247-32-05 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Ukraine | State Emergency Service of Ukraine__http://www.dsns.gov.ua| State Emergency Service of Ukraine__http://www.dsns.gov.ua | Sendai FW (official) | +38 (044) 247-32-05 | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
United Kingdom | Cabinet Office (UK)__http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/ | NP (official) | VIEW WEBSITE | COUNTRY PROFILE |
Noticias y eventos
UNDRR INFO is the monthly newsletter from the UNDRR Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia with updates on news and activities in the region. This month's edition is dedicated to the 2021 International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction and the launch
The “Strengthening disaster resilience and accelerating implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction in Central Asia” 2019-2022 Action is a three year initiative supported by the European Commission. This joint initiative between the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and the European Commission aims to build disaster and climate resilience in the five countries of Central Asia – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The Initiative will embed an approach that shifts from managing disasters to managing risks and will allow investments to be risk-informed and livelihoods and growth to be sustainable. This initiative takes a relevant place in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. It directly supports the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and contributes to the progressive achievement of the following SDG Goals:
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere (SDG1)
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation (SDG 9)
- Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG 11)
- Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG 13)
This initiative builds on the recommendations, principles, concept, tools and processes offered under the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and the UNDRR-coordinated Making Cities Resilient (MCR) Campaign, focusing on increased use of risk knowledge and disaster data in decision and policy making. The initiative aims to set the foundation for greater resilience to disaster in Central Asia through improved data management, strengthened risk governance and increased cooperation and experience sharing at the regional, national and local level.
The expected results are:
- Disaster losses are measured and aligned with international agreements (the Sendai Framework for DRR and the Sustainable Development Goals)
- National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies are developed, renewed or further aligned with the ten core requirements developed by the Sendai Framework for DRR.
- Increased commitments to build local-level resilience are triggered through the resilience assessment of the five capital cities
European Science & Technology Advisory Group
The European Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (E-STAG) is a voluntary group of experts providing scientific and technical support to European and Central Asian countries on the implementation of the Sendai Framework - and other relevant frameworks in the EU in close collaboration with the European Commission's Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC).
The current membership of E-STAG includes 14 national experts and 7 thematic experts, all with rich scientific, research or technical backgrounds from national platforms, science institutions, academic institutions, or technical agencies in European and Central Asia countries.
You may find the list of current members below, and more detailed biographies here.
National Experts |
Armenia |
Belgium |
Dr. Lilit Gevorgyan Researcher at the Institute of Geological Sciences at the Armenian National Academy
Mr. Christian Resch Managing Director Disaster Competence Network Austria |
Prof. Debarati Guha-Sapir Professor at University of Louvain, School of Public Health
Croatia |
Germany |
Dr. Svonko Sigmund Teaching assistant, University of Zagreb
Prof. Myriam Merad National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France |
Prof. Reimund Schwarze Head of Climate Change and Extreme Events RG, Leipzig |
Israel |
Montenegro |
Dr. Alexander Altshuler Head of the Research and Development Department at the Israel National Emergency Management Authority |
Professor Fausto Guzzetti Head of the DPC Office for technical and scientific activities for risk forecasting and prevention |
Dr Nina Serdar Assistant professor at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Montenegro, scientific-research expert in Earthquake Engineering and Seismic risk assessment |
Russian Federation |
Spain |
Dr. Elena Arefyeva Chief researcher of the All-Russian Research Institute for Civil Defense
Dr. Blaz Komac Head of Department of Natural Hazards at the Anton Melik Geographical |
Dr. Urbano Fra Paleo Professor in Human Geography at the University of Extremadura
Sweden |
United Kingdom
Dr. Jorgen Sparf Department of Social Sciences of the Mid Sweden University
Prof. Mark Pelling Professor in Geography at the King’s College of London |
Thematic Experts |
Disaster Risk Management |
Multi-hazard risk assessment, climate risk assessment |
Risk modelling, wild fires |
Prof. Dilanthi Amaratunga Global Disaster Resilience Center, University of Huddersfield |
Dr. Jaroslav Mysiak Director of the Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies division, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change |
Dr. Jean Louis Rossi Professor and coordinator of the risk modeling research group part of the project “Fire” of the University of Corte
Data management |
Earth Observation & GIS |
Liaison with JRC |
Mr. Massimo Migliorini Data interoperability expert |
Prof. Alexander Siegmund Professor of Physical Geography and its Didactics at the Heidelberg University of Education and Honorary Professor of Geography at the University of Heidelberg
Mr Ian Clarke |
Young scientists |
Cecilia Skarne Delivery Consultant at 4C Strategies International (London) and representative in the UN Major Group for Youth and Children (UNMGCY). |
Dr. Signe Mikulane |
A green and resilient recovery for Europe
COVID-19 has caused great devastation in Europe and internationally. Governments worldwide are now spending vast sums of money on the economic recovery which will significantly influence our ability to deliver a green and resilient recovery. In this report, experts who are part of the European Science and Technology Advisory Group (E-STAG), analysed the COVID-19 recovery stimulus packages in the European Union through the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program. The analysis examines the steps taken to deliver a green and resilient recovery and indicates that current action is not commensurate with the sheer scale of the challenge – the rapid accumulation of disaster risk that is systemic, interconnected and cascading.
Evolving Risk of Wildfires in Europe – Thematic paper by the European Science & Technology Advisory Group (E-STAG)
While the COVID-19 crisis is continuing to impact Europe, consuming a majority of attention and resources, other disaster risks still remain. For an increasing area of Europe, weather conditions are contributing to a dangerous wildfire season, exacerbated by a changing risk landscape. The European Science and Technology Group (E-STAG) thematic paper on wildfire aims to explain some key factors of this evolution for understanding the risk, reducing it, and avoiding the serious consequences of wildfires that have heavily impacted Europe in recent years.
Socioeconomic and data challenges: Disaster risk reduction in Europe
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) involves complex processes with different stakeholders at all administrative levels. Two elements in particular play a major role: the need to ensure stakeholders' interoperability through an efficient exchange of data, and the inclusion of socioeconomic factors which may influence DRR processes. This report aims at contributing to increase the global knowledge on these two elements, focusing on the related issues affecting DRR throughout the European continent. The information contained in this report would support national authorities and DRR stakeholders in the continued implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and to address the specificities identified by the EFDRR Road Map.
Data interoperability for disaster risk reduction in Europe
Disaster Prevention and Management Journal, ISSN: 0965-3562 https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DPM-09-2019-0291/full/html (Paper from the Data Group of E-STAG reported on the Disaster Prevention and Management Journal, ISSN: 0965-3562) (2019)
The role of data interoperability in disaster risk reduction: Barriers, challenges and regional initiatives
Modern society is facing an unprecedented revolution. As highlighted by the International Council of Science and the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA-ICSU,2018), digital technology offers profound opportunities for science to discover unsuspected patterns and relationships in nature and society, on scales from the molecular to the cosmic, from local health systems to global sustainability. It has created the potential for disciplines of science to synergize into a holistic understanding of the complex challenges currently confronting humanity; the Sustainable Development Goals are a direct reflection of this. Interdisciplinarity is obtained with integration of data across relevant disciplines.
- Contributions to specific sessions at the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction hosted by Portugal, November 2021.
- EFDRR Plenary on COVID 19 and Systemic Risks
- Scaling Up DRR in Civil Protection and Healthcare
- Resilient Infrastructure
- Science-Policy interface
- Contribution to the UNDRR Roadmap 2021-2030 endorsed by Member States in November 2021.
- Contribution to the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme, 2021
- E-STAG expert contribution to UKRI COP26 Adaptation and Resilience programme. October 2021
- Support to the UNDRR Office of the Americas and the Caribbean to finalise the Cultural Heritage Addendum of the Making Cities Resilient Campaign, 2021.
- Invited to facilitate the key theme: Urban Disaster Risk Reduction: Strengthening Risks Fragility and Resilience for Sustainable Development, at the “Disaster Risk Reduction – Local Resilience in Europe and Central Asia, Introduction to Geospatial Technologies for Achieving SDGs – Demographic Considerations, Organised by: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – Europe and Central Asia (UNDRR ROECA )and the Regional Secretariat for Making Cities Resilient 2030 for Europe and Central Asia Date: July 2021
- Representation at the Scoping Workshop on Crisis prevention, preparedness, response and resilience, European Commission , February 2021
- Representation as a member of the ISC-UNDRR Expert Review Group (ERG) for the Development of a new Global Disaster Risk Reduction Research Agenda towards 2030 and beyond. 2020 – 2021
- Contribution to the revision of the EU strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (European Commission, Directorate General, Climate Action - 2020)
- Input to the discussion paper: The Bank of England 2021 biennial exploratory scenario on the financial risks from climate change (input provided in 2020)
- Input at the Sendai Framework National Focal Points Europe and Central Asia meeting held in December 2020, on “Integrating Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness with DRR”
- Support to the Bulgarian government for the assessment of the Bulgaria Disaster Risk Strategy, performed in early 2020.
- Representation as a member of the MCR2030 Regional Coordination Committee for Europe, Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) National Strategy Assessment for Bulgaria (2020)
- Contribution to the Hazard Information Profiles (UNDRR, 2019/2020).
- Invited to be a facilitator at the International Workshop on Local Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies, UNDRR Global Education Training Institute (GETI), Incheon, Republic of Korea. September 2019.
- Representation at the Science and Policy Forum for the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, 13-14 May 2019, Palais des Nations, Geneva. Co-organized by UNISDR Science Technology Advisory Groups (STAG), International Science, Council (ISC), and Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR
For more information about E-STAG, please contact undrr-roeca@un.org